API Reference
Transfers API
The transfers API allows you to send money to Australian bank accounts and retrieve details of previous transfers.
POST /transfers
Creates a new transfer and returns its details.
description |
A description of the amount being transfered (e.g. Earnings for may ). This description is intended for your records and will not be displayed on the recipient’s bank statement.
amount |
The amount to transfer in the currency’s base unit (e.g. cents for AUD, yen for JPY).
Must be greater than or equal to 0 .
currency |
The currency to transfer. Currently, only AUD is supported.
recipient |
The recipient’s token (as returned from the recipients API) or self . If self is passed, the funds will be transferred to your own bank account.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/transfers -u your-secret-api-key: \
-d "amount=400" \
-d "currency=AUD" \
-d "description=Earnings for may" \
-d "recipient=rp_a98a4fafROQCOT5PdwLkQ"
"response": {
"token": "tfer_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg",
"status": "succeeded",
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "Earnings for may",
"amount": 400,
"total_debits": 200,
"total_credits": 600,
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"paid_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"reference": "Test Business",
"line_items_count": 2,
"bank_account": {
"token": "ba_nytGw7koRg23EEp9NTmz9w",
"name": "Mr Roland Robot",
"bsb": "123456",
"number": "XXXXXX321",
"bank_name": "",
"branch": ""
"recipient": "rp_a98a4fafROQCOT5PdwLkQ"
Error Responses
422 | invalid_resource |
402 | insufficient_pin_balance |
GET /transfers
Returns a paginated list of all transfers.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/transfers -u your-secret-api-key:
"response": [
"token": "tfer_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg",
"status": "succeeded",
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "Earnings for may",
"amount": 400,
"total_debits": 200,
"total_credits": 600,
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"paid_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"reference": "Test Business",
"line_items_count": 2,
"bank_account": {
"token": "ba_nytGw7koRg23EEp9NTmz9w",
"name": "Mr Roland Robot",
"bsb": "123456",
"number": "XXXXXX321",
"bank_name": "",
"branch": ""
"recipient": "rp_a98a4fafROQCOT5PdwLkQ"
"count": 1,
"pagination": {
"current": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"per_page": 25,
"pages": 1,
"count": 1
GET /transfers/search
Returns a paginated list of transfers matching the search criteria.
Optional query | Return only transfers whose token, description, amount or recipient details match the supplied query. |
Optional start_date |
Return only transfers created on or after this date (e.g. 2012/12/25 ).
Optional end_date |
Return only transfers created before this date (e.g. 2013/12/25 ).
Optional sort |
The field used to sort the transfers (only option: paid_at ).
Default value is
paid_at .
Optional direction |
The direction in which to sort the transfers (1 for ascending or -1 for descending).
Default value is
1 .
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/transfers/search -u your-secret-api-key: -X GET \
-d "query=Earnings"
"response": [
"token": "tfer_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg",
"status": "succeeded",
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "Earnings for may",
"amount": 400,
"total_debits": 200,
"total_credits": 600,
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"paid_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"reference": "Test Business",
"line_items_count": 2,
"bank_account": {
"token": "ba_nytGw7koRg23EEp9NTmz9w",
"name": "Mr Roland Robot",
"bsb": "123456",
"number": "XXXXXX321",
"bank_name": "",
"branch": ""
"recipient": "rp_a98a4fafROQCOT5PdwLkQ"
"count": 1,
"pagination": {
"current": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"per_page": 25,
"pages": 1,
"count": 1
GET /transfers/transfer-token
Returns the details of the specified transfer.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/transfers/tfer_bZ3RhJnIUZ8HhfvH8CCvfA -u your-secret-api-key:
"response": {
"token": "tfer_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg",
"status": "succeeded",
"currency": "AUD",
"description": "Earnings for may",
"amount": 400,
"total_debits": 200,
"total_credits": 600,
"created_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"paid_at": "2023-06-20T03:10:49Z",
"reference": "Test Business",
"line_items_count": 2,
"bank_account": {
"token": "ba_nytGw7koRg23EEp9NTmz9w",
"name": "Mr Roland Robot",
"bsb": "123456",
"number": "XXXXXX321",
"bank_name": "",
"branch": ""
"recipient": "rp_a98a4fafROQCOT5PdwLkQ"
Error Responses
404 | not_found |
GET /transfers/transfer-token/line_items
Returns a paginated list of line items associated with the specified transfer.
curl https://test-api.pinpayments.com/1/transfers/tfer_bZ3RhJnIUZ8HhfvH8CCvfA/line_items -u your-secret-api-key:
"response": [
"type": "charge_merchant_entitlement",
"amount": 400,
"currency": "AUD",
"created_at": "2023-06-18T09:00:29Z",
"object": "charge",
"token": "ch_lfUYEBK14zotCTykezJkfg",
"record": {
"description": "test charge",
"amount": 400,
"total_fees": 62,
"merchant_entitlement": 338
"type": "adjustment",
"amount": 30,
"currency": "AUD",
"created_at": "2023-06-19T15:22:45Z"
"count": 2,
"pagination": {
"current": 1,
"previous": null,
"next": null,
"per_page": 25,
"pages": 1,
"count": 2
Error Responses
404 | not_found |